1. How can I sign up for the user app?
Create Account -> Provide your First name, last name, email address, mobile number and add your password and your account is set.
2. How can I find a provider around my location?
3. How can I find a provider by company name?
4. How can I find a provider on a different address than my location?
5. How can I connect with a provider?
Once you find/select a provider, click on the map pin. You will get details of the provider and you also get options to call, send the provider an sms and email or open their website.
6. How to report a provider?
Once you open a provider detail, on bottom of screen you will find option to report that provider. Click on ‘Report this Provider’ option, select your reason, add description and send.
1. How can I sign up as a provider?
Create Account -> Provide your First name, last name, email address, mobile number and add your password and your account is set but not active yet.
To activate you must confirm your email address with which you created the account.
Once email is confirmed, login and add your services. You are good to go.
2. How can I add services to my profile?
3. How can I remove service from my profile?
On Homepage, click on See list in Services
Left swipe the service you want to delete. (Mobile Platform)
4. What is “Dynamic Location” feature?
With our dynamic location feature, you can make all your services available on your current location for a duration of time. After that duration has lapsed, your services will be expired and no longer available .
5. How can I add dynamic location?
6. How can I add custom locations/branches?
7. How can I add work time in my profile?
8. How can I hide my profile?
Go to profile, mark your profile hidden
9. How can I purchase subscription?
On Homepage, click on 3 dots on right of Subscription card, click on purchase plan
Select your payment plan, add card details and click on Pay button
On website, click on pricing, select your payment plan and confirm
10. How can I cancel my subscription?
11. What is difference between Subscription and Pay-As-you-Go plans?
Subscription plans renew themselves while Pay-As-you-Go expires after given duration time.
12. Can I apply for refund?
No. Please see our Terms of Trade.